Companion Building

Companion Building


Companion Building is a quantum healing technique. On a quantum level, healing occurs indirectly. This simply means, we do not target the desired change. We target that which, like a ripple effect, will produce the desired change: you.

Working with both the subconscious and conscious mind, our aim is to rewire the subconscious mind and together co-create the ability for clients to operate from conscious choice.

The "Ripple Effect" of Companion Building

Companion Building
In order to have shifts in perspective we must first find safety within ourselves, through Companion Building.

Shifts in Perspective
In order to drastically change our lives, heal our relationships, resolve our circumstances, and reach our goals we must change the way we are seeing things.

What We Help With
The last thing to be impacted.
Finding safety within, and embodying new perspectives brings unprecedented transformation, clarity and resolve to all areas of our lives.            

Examples of some common shifts in perspective that Companion Building instigates:


So, what is the subconscious mind? The subconscious mind is the energy-accumulation of everything that has ever happened to us in our past. It is where most of us act from. This is why no matter how hard we try, we often can not break old habits or patterns that we feel stuck in. It is also why desire for change is not enough.

What is the conscious mind? The conscious mind is the present moment. It is awareness in its most pure state. This is where we would have the ability to truly and freely choose from. It is the conscious mind that can say “it would really benefit me to stop this habit or to change this in my life.”

Yet it is our subconscious which we are primarily operating from which won't allow us to actually make the shift.


We know how painful having the awareness of what needs to change, yet no matter what is tried, not being able to implement it feels like.

In order to truly change a pattern, not only must there be the awareness of the need for change and the desire for it, the often missed most essential ingredient that has the power to infiltrate and rewire the subconscious mind, is building a new, accepting, nurturing, loving and supportive relationship with oneself— being your companion.


Oftentimes it is desiring what we want and not getting it which puts us in the perfect alignment to develop this deeper relationship with self. It is on purpose.
It is the agony of being “stuck,” not able to make a change, which creates the drive to build a new relationship with self. It is spending time in that exact position, which forces us to develop a deeper relationship with all emotions.

Healing is not about reaching a state where a person is able to feel one way all the time. Healing is about developing the ability to be present, while experiencing all feelings, so that one can better enjoy their experiences while still feeling the full spectrum of emotion. We are here to support people, as they realize how ok it is to feel all feelings.

Once the deeper relationship is formed, nothing we thought we wanted even compares to our new found peace.   


When we become our own companion we are, over time, using our conscious mind to support, love, and nurture all the experiences stored in the subconscious. As the subconscious is healed it integrates back into our consciousness. Once that happens, we are better equipped to succeed in accomplishing the changes we desire to make in our lives.

Although playing separate roles, on the deepest level, the two are one and the same. The subconscious mind is pure consciousness, consciously choosing to come into being as a counterpart to instigate our growth. They work together to further and insure evolution. This is how we shift into new versions of ourselves.

What We Help With:

  • Gaining satisfying resolve to lifelong questions
  • Relieving physical pain
  • Shifting out of debilitation
  • Releasing post-traumatic stress
  • Transforming addictive patterning
  • Releasing empathic overload
  • Shifting depression
  • Staying centered during tragedy
  • Surviving loss
  • Being with grief
  • Relaxing through unexpected changes
  • Slowing down
  • Emerging from denial
  • Recovering from divorce
  • Healthy eating goals
  • Exercise goals
  • Self-care goals
  • Stress relief
  • Becoming emotionally vulnerable
  • Emotion identification
  • Setting healthy boundaries
  • Becoming honest
  • Making yourself a priority
  • Embodying new perspectives that accelerate healing
  • Becoming empowered